TV-14 (self-applied) Netflix 41m 2022
In 2001, genius visionary Stephen Holstrom and founder of Logorhythms, a technological corporation, speaks about his mission to reach digital immortality with the advancement of "Uploaded Intelligence" or "UI," - scanning the human brain and uploading it on the Cloud. Years later, after Holstrom's death, Logorythms continues his project, using various illegal and unethical means to reach their goals. Shaken by the death of her beloved father two years prior, Maddie Kim is a bullied teen who receives mysterious help from someone online, who is soon thereafter revealed to be her deceased father, David. David explains that his consciousness has been successfully uploaded to Logorhythms' cloud following an experimental and destructive brain scan, and that Logorythms lied to his family about the results. Wanting to save her father, Maddie seeks help from others and eventually gains custody of her father's UI, but the family is still facing danger from Logorythms. At the same time, Caspian, a troubled yet highly intelligent teenage boy is embroiled in his own intrigue involving Logorythms. Since birth, Caspian's life has been a lie, raised unaware that he is in a constructed environment and constantly monitored by Logorythms, to one day fulfill a specific purpose. Through a chatroom, Caspian comes into contact with Maddie and the two aid each other in searching for the truth, which also helps Caspian gradually learn the truth about his reality. Chanda, an engineer from the India-based Alliance Telecom company, wishes to use UI technology to usher in a digital utopia. After meeting with a rival company, Chanda's corrupt boss has him kidnapped and reveals that Alliance Telecom has secretly been conducting UI experiments, and Chanda himself is scanned, resulting in his death in the real world with his UI uploaded to perform menial tasks within Alliance's systems. With help from previous UI victims, Chanda escapes his virtual prison and becomes a rogue wildcard. With Maddie and Caspian stuck in the middle, a global conspiracy unfolds that threatens to trigger a new kind of world war.
Starring: Paul Dano Daniel Dae Kim Katie Chang
Creator: Chris Prynoski